
Viewing 1 - 6 of 6 results

Ahoy thargh! Today be National Talk Like A Pirate Day! · 4:21pm Sep 19th, 2022

Me fav'rite time of the year alongside Christmas and me own birthday.

I would 'ave a bottle of rum to mark the occasion but I reckon there's a massive difference between talking like a pirate and acting like one, savvy? :twilightsmile:


Ramirez DePietro Appreciation Day · 11:09am Sep 19th, 2016

Ahoy there, mateys! A fine International Talk Like a Pirate Day to all o' ye. Don't fret, I'll not be gabbin' in ship lingo all day. This only be an announcement for all hands aboard the good ship Sea FoME.

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Argh! I forgot yesterday was Talk Like A Pirate Day! · 3:57pm Sep 20th, 2021

I blame Deltarune. And Reddit. And an ear infection I contracted last week (and still currently suffering from because my left ear is swollen shut).

BTW, the image comes from this story:

EThe Infuriating Misadventures of Darkstar Lightbringer
Apparently Twilight Sparkle has a younger brother. Who is an alicorn. And colored in black and red.
DmitriTheWriter · 1.1k words  ·  26  2 · 370 views

Ahoy tharrrgh! · 1:03pm Sep 19th, 2023

Today be National Talk Like A Pirate Day.

If I don't see any of ye landlubbers talkin' like salty seadogs, I'm makin' ye walk the plank!


Avast, ye maties! · 5:21pm Sep 19th, 2019

Today be talk like a pirate day. Put away yer landish dreams and join the crew as we traverse the open seas! (translation: the Internet)

Still, I can't sent ya off witho't a bit of knowledge stuffed unda yar belt. Cast yer eyes and ears upon this laddie/lassie, and take a bit of the treasure thats wealth runs as deep as the depths of Davey Jones' locker.


Happy "Talk Like a Pirate Day" from Turing Test! · 3:34am Sep 20th, 2016

Yar, me hearties! I know it be late fer a few of ye overseas, but I had t' get this in fer me favorite holiday. So, avast, ye swabs, fer me best mare Turing Test dressed up fer the occasion! May yer coffers be ever lined with booty, an' yer gears turn ever faithful, mateys. :heart:

Beep boop arrr. Shiver me servos.

Viewing 1 - 6 of 6 results